KLEENGUARD* H10 Disposable Earplugs (Uncorded)
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| Experience the unique combination of protection, comfort and performance in a variety of high-quality hearing protection products.
Product Code: 67210
Color: Orange
- NRR 31; Class A(L)
- Soft roll-down foam
- Smooth bullet shaped for easy insertion
- Ultra-smooth exterior for comfort
- Individually packaged
- Universal size
- Compliant to ANSI S3.19-1974
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KLEENGUARD* H10 Disposable Earplugs (Corded)
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| Experience the unique combination of protection, comfort and performance in a variety of high-quality hearing protection products.
Product Code: 67212
Color: Orange
- NRR 31; Class A(L)
- Soft roll-down foam
- Smooth bullet shaped for easy insertion
- Ultra-smooth exterior for comfort
- Individually packaged
- Universal size
- Compliant to ANSI S3.19-1974
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KLEENGUARD* H20 Reusable Earplugs (Uncorded)
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| Experience the unique combination of protection, comfort and performance in a variety of high-quality hearing protection products.
Product Code: 67220
Color: Orange
- NRR 26; Class A(L)
- Washable
- Ridged stem for better grip for insertion and removal
- Three soft flanges collapse to conform to ear canal
- Individually packaged for hygienic storage
- Universal size
- Compliant to ANSI S3.19-1974
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KLEENGUARD* H20 Reusable Earplugs (Corded)
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| Experience the unique combination of protection, comfort and performance in a variety of high-quality hearing protection products.
Product Code: 67221
Color: Orange
- NRR 26; Class A(L)
- Washable
- Ridged stem for better grip for insertion and removal
- Three soft flanges collapse to conform to ear canal
- Individually packaged for hygienic storage
- Universal size
- Compliant to ANSI S3.19-1974
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KLEENGUARD* H30 Multiple-use ComfortFlex Earplugs
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| Unique tapered design
- Quick and comfortable custom fit
- Eliminates need to roll down foam
- Provides instant protection upon proper insertion - no need to wait for foam to expand
User friendly
- Flexible handle and soft exterior work together to provide more comfort to the user
- Easy hygienic insertion and removal, minimises hand to foam contamination
- Each pair complete with individual carry case
- Corded and uncorded options available
- Free from latex, silicon and PVC
- Reusable, helps to reduce cost in use
Comes in both Corded and Uncorded type.
- Corded type (Product Code: 67228)
- Uncorded type (Product Code: 67227)
Product Sell Sheet
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KLEENGUARD* H50 Multiple-Use Earclips (Uncorded)
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| Experience the unique combination of protection, comfort and performance in a variety of high-quality hearing protection products.
Product Code: 67235
Color: Orange/Blue/Gray
Introducing the ultimate fusion of hearing protection - Comfort, Fit and Style. The JACKSON SAFETY* Brand H50 Multiple-use Ear Clip is the hearing protection you've always wanted someone to design. It features an ear clip chassis and removable foam ear pad that fits comfortably with the ear to block unwanted workplace noise without intruding into the sensitive ear canal. The ear clip is lightweight and stays securely in place without relying on high-pressure bands or pressure inside the ear canal.
- NRR 20, Class B(L)
- Lightweight ear clip plus removable soft pads
- Patent-pending design
- No roll-down required
- Comfort + style + protection
- Reusable
- Stays securely in place
- No intruding into ear canal
- Hygienic storage case
- Easy compliance monitoring
- Each pair is packaged in its own specially designed case
- Compliant to ANSI S3.19-1974
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KLEENGUARD* H50 Multiple-Use Earclips (Corded)
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| Experience the unique combination of protection, comfort and performance in a variety of high-quality hearing protection products.
Product Code: 67236
Color: Orange
Introducing the ultimate fusion of hearing protection - Comfort, Fit and Style. The KLEENGUARD* Brand H50 Multiple-use Ear Clip is the hearing protection you've always wanted someone to design. It features an ear clip chassis and removable foam ear pad that fits comfortably with the ear to block unwanted workplace noise without intruding into the sensitive ear canal. The ear clip is lightweight and stays securely in place without relying on high-pressure bands or pressure inside the ear canal.
- NRR 20, Class B(L)
- Patent-pending design
- No roll-down required
- Comfort + style + protection
- Reusable
- Stays securely in place
- No intruding into ear canal
- Easy compliance monitoring
- Each pair is packaged in its own specially designed case
- Compliant to ANSI S3.19-1974
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KLEENGUARD* H50 Multiple-Use Earclips Reusable Pads
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| Experience the unique combination of protection, comfort and performance in a variety of high-quality hearing protection products.
Product Code: 67237
Color: Orange
No Roll-Down Required
With KLEENGUARD*H50 Ear Clips, there's never a need to squish down the foam pad to fit your ear canal. The amazingly soft foam pads are uniquely shaped to conform to the ear canal opening and concha. The "no roll" foam pads help limit hand-to-foam contamination. A slotted "one-way only" attachment system makes repacing the pads easy as 1-2-3.**
- Replacement pads for 67235 and 67236
- Slotted one-way only attachment system
- Washable/Wipeable, allow to air dry
- Reusable
** Only to be used with and attachd to the H50 Multiple-Use Ear Clip to obtain appropriate attenuation**
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